FCC is a family of the body of Christ. As with any healthy body, every member is valuble and has a unique role. We are all called to service in in our own way. You have a gift that you can use to serve the Church and we would love to find how God is calling you to service at FCC. Click the link below to check out the opportunities available! If you feel called to serve in any of these ministries and have questions contact Colt Doherty or Daniel Langley.
Our Life Groups are hosted in homes and are a great way to bond together with members of our church family. Each group determines what they want to study, the day and time, and whether or not they require childcare. We encourage everyone in the church to get involved in a Life Group to better connect to the body of Christ.
If you would like to be a part of a Life Group, fill out the life group application so we can find the right fit for you.
Appostellow, our junior high youth group, is open for ages 5th-8th grade on Wednesday night from 6-7:30. High school youth group THE WAY is open for 9th-12th grades on Sunday night from 6-7:30. Any questions? Contact Family Pastor Daniel Langley 712-318-9750.
Wee-Worship is a service geared towards kids ages 4 year old through 2nd grade on Sunday mornings. They will stay with their families at the beginning of the service so they can worship together but leave the sanctuary after communion to go back for their own lesson.
We also offer Wednesday night children's church, K-WAM, from 6-7:30 pm. K-WAM, Kids With A Mission, is open for ages 4 years-4th grade.
This year VBS will be on June 25th-28th. Our theme will be Breaker Rock Beach. Standing of God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands.
A nursery worker is always available for anyone who wants to use the nursery during service. There is also a nursing mother's room in the room adjacent to the Northwest corner of the auditorium.
Prayer is such an important aspect of life, and is one of the greatest privileges we have as children of the Father. If you have a prayer need, please contact the church office so our prayer team and staff can pray over it. Please note if it can be shared publicly or if it is private.
If you would like to sign up for the prayer chain and be a part of praying over the needs of our church and community, click the link below.
RightNow Media is a streaming video library of Bible Studies. This resource has a variety of studies that teach you how to practically live out what you’re learning. If you are interested in using this resource please email office@fccatlantic.com.
Our library is located at the Welcome Desk in the auditorium. Feel free to browse our books and check them out to take home!