Please know this if you visit: You will NOT be singled out, asked to stand up and introduce yourself, be forced to read a portion of Scripture aloud, recite verses from memory, lead the congregation in prayer, tell us where you are from, introduce your friend, sing a special, balance a hymnal on your nose or know the name of every book of the Bible and how to pronounce it and where it is located. As you can see from pictures we have quite the mix of dress, from casual jeans and t-shirts to polos and suit jackets, so don't let that keep you from being our guest.

As you pull into the driveway, you will see some signs for guest parking - be our guest!
Enter the main entrance and you’ll see a big foyer. To the right is the children’s ministry. If you go straight from the main doors through the foyer you’ll make it into the auditorium.
If you have children (nursery through 5th grades) you can check them in on the right. An assistant can help you enter in your information. We have a safe and secure system with qualified, background checked volunteers.
Grab a cup of coffee, when you walk in the foyer to the left.
Check out the Welcome Center located on the left in the foyer. Tell them you are a first time guest for a free gift!
The church service begins Sunday at 10:30am. You can expect to find an exciting environment when you step into the auditorium for any of the Worship services.
The worship is tailored to provide an atmosphere of worship for a very diverse community of believers. Pastor Colt strives to share applicable, relevant messages that are communicated in a clear, understandable way wherever you are on your faith journey.
If you didn't earlier, stop by the Welcome Center for your free gift!
Restrooms are located to the right of the foyer.
Did you check in kids earlier? Don't forget to bring your tag to pick them up!
Pastor Colt will make sure to shake your hand and give you his card when you leave. He’d love to meet with you and buy you a meal or coffee to get to know you better.